We’ve Been Boo’d!

October 16, 2008

This is what we got last night!

This is what we got last night!

So, y’all know that I love Halloween.  Love, love, love it!  Now maybe it’s because this is the first time we have really lived in a neighborhood or maybe it’s because of where we live but we got “Boo’d” last night.

Unfamiliar with this phenomenon?  Me too until last night.

The doorbell rang and when I went to answer it, there was no one there but instead, a small bag had appeared on the doorstep. In the bag was some candy and a little tea towel, like for the bathroom.  It’s like “Secret Santa” for Halloween.  The instructions in the package say that I need to fill the bag with treats, pick a neighbor and deliver my own “Booing!”  The bag had a little door knocker in it so that other neighbors would know that our house had been Boo’d already.   Here is a little DIY version I found on the Internet.  http://www.minionsweb.com/bood.htm or http://organizedchristmas.com/youve-been-booed if you would like to partake at home.

So my heart was atwitter with joy.  Why, you ask?  Number one, it was nice to be part of neighborhood.  It sucks being the renter people and now we aren’t.  Makes me happy.  Two, I love Halloween and all antics related to the holiday.  Finally, yesterday was a bad day.  I was sad and weepy.  This little treat was unexpected and really nice.  People in the neighborhood don’t know what happened to me, they have no idea that a little gesture would make me so happy.  You really don’t know what’s going on with other people, do you?  It’s nice to be kind just to be kind because you never know who is going to appreciate your kindness.

And for that reason, you can find me “Booing” tonight.

One Response to “We’ve Been Boo’d!”

  1. Angela Says:

    this post made me super happy, know why? because yesterday, i DID think of you and your sons practically all day while i was at work, and i said a little prayer asking that someone do something unexpected and nice for you on that day because you deserve it. i’m glad it happened!

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