5 Things – Update

October 24, 2008

So Frankie did an update on her 5 things for 30 days challenge so I thought this would be a good opportunity to update my list for the end of the week.  Check her out at :http://www.lilactreedelights.blogspot.com/

So here is where I stand at the end of this first week:

               1) No more surfing the Internet for conception advice.  I won’t do it, it makes me crazy and the fallout lasts for days: I haven’t done this once since starting and I definitely feel better.  I am halfway through the “two week wait” so this upcoming week will be the hardest.

                2) No more sneak peeks at the nursery when no one is home.  It’s not healthy and again, the emotional fallout lasts for days: Haven’t done it once.  When I want to go into the nursery, I remind myself that I don’t want to be in pain and that I want to be able to show Hubby, Frankie and myself that I am strong.

                3) I will call one friend a week and not someone that I speak to all the time, someone who I have not spoken to in months: Well, I tried this last night and got my wires crossed but I am going to call Christine over the weekend.

                4) I will meditate 3 times a week on my own: I did meditate on Wednesday but so far, that’s it.  I will do better over the weekend.  And finally,

                5) I will try and get one of my essays published by sending out 2 letters a week to different publishers: This is actually exciting.  While I didn’t send out letters, I found a website called, “WE Books” for writers.  It’s a community blog site where I can publish my essays and get feedback.  I’m really excited about this.  This will get my work more in shape for viewing by publishers.  Exciting!

I hope you all are doing well with your own “things.”

The List

September 17, 2008

So KB from http://lrcyoga.wordpress.com/ sent me an idea for something that I should do and when she said it, I was like, “duh!  That’s perfect!”  She suggested that I make a list of 100 reasons why I deserve to get pregnant and have a healthy baby.*  It would focus my energy in a positive manner, help with the “worries” and silence the “fear voice.”  I mentioned it to hubby and we have decided to do it together so these will be answers from both of us.  It will sort of be like my “gratitude chant” (that makes me look like an escaped mental patient in the middle of Target) but instead of muttering to myself, I will be writing little notes….I already got a pad and pen for the cars and my purse….now I just look eccentric and that’s better than crazy, right?

I have decided to dedicate a page to this project and would invite you to read, “Our 100 Reasons” page.  I will update it often.

*I have since changed this to “why we WILL get pregnant and have a healthy baby.”  The phrase “deserve” does imply some kind of blame or fault and KB is right, we didn’t do anything to cause the loss.  It’s a negative word and I am glad she helped me change it to a positive.