Help for Carol’s Dogs

October 3, 2008

Please take a moment to view this post.  It appears that this is legit.  I was reluctant to post this at first until I received some additional information but please take a moment to read the blog and if you can, spare a couple of dollars or a WalMart gift card or foster a dog.  I know the economy is tight for all of us but I find sacrificing my “coffee money” for the week isn’t that bad when it helps to save the lives of some critters in need.  And let me assure you, this is a part of the country where they would have no problem shooting these dogs – my Setter nearly suffered that fate himself.

Thank you.

Animal Rescue New Orleans

September 30, 2008

Please help Animal Rescue New Orleans to win $25,000 in the Animal Rescue Site’s Shelter Challenge.  Right now, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is number one and while I heart them with all my doggie-lovin’ heart, ARNO needs your help too.

You can do it once a day.  Please help make ARNO number #1 in more than just my heart!


10 Days is Up….

September 26, 2008

Humane Society of Southeast Texas is starting to adopt out animals from the Beaumont area on Saturday.

http://www.beaumont enterprise. com/news/ local/pet_ owners_need_ to_claim_ rescued_pets_ by_saturday_ 09-25-2008. html

If you or someone you know is missing an animal in that area, PLEASE have them contact the shelter or contact me and I will find a way to contact that shelter.  Questions?  Please go to or

Galveston Gaffaw

September 22, 2008

As I have mentioned I work with a group called, “Stealth Volunteers” which helps reunite animal and owners separated in natural disasters.  Right now, we have a big, big problem but unfortunately, it’s not the first time we have seen this happen.

Here’s the deal.  Any animal rescued from Galveston Island will be held for 10 days.  If the animal is not claimed, the animal will then be posted to the Houston SPCA website for adoption.

What’s the problem, you ask?  Well, this policy has not been publicized and the people of Galveston have not been allowed consistent re-entry to the area to ascertain whether their animal is missing.  Essentially, it boils down to this.  You were evacuating and couldn’t take your dog with you and you called someone to rescue your dog from your house or apartment.  Now you have no idea that in a couple of days, your dog is up for adoption.  That’s not fair and it’s exactly what happened in New Orleans that prompted officials this time to let people evacuate with their animals.

If you know anyone who evacuated from that area and turned their animals over to Houston SPCA, please make them aware of this policy.  You can read more about it at:

Houston SPCA 

The Houston SPCA has taken in many lost and abandoned animals from Galveston and is now staffing an Animal Disaster Hotline.  If you need an animal rescued in Galveston, call (713) 435-2990 or (877) 661-0161 from 10 am- 6 pm

Unclaimed animals will be put up for adoption after ten days.

Stealth Volunteers

September 18, 2008

That’s right, we work for free and you don’t even know we are there.   We are a group of people who were drawn together in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.  We are the people who quietly worked to reunite over 1,000 animals (we stopped counting at 1,000) with their rightful owners during that tragedy.  We have gone on to work on the fires in Southern California and the floods in the Mid-West.  We are the people who cried when animals were found and returned – we did a “happy dance.”  We are the people who stood up and said, “that’s not right and that’s not fair” when an animal was found and refused to be returned due to prejudice or ignorance AND we helped to do something about it.  We are the people who miss our friends, Shannon and Beth dearly.

We are working on helping with Hurricane Gustav and Ike and we need your help.

Don’t you want to be one of us?

Please visit:

Or check out our blog at

The Stealth Volunteers is an Internet based group that helps families in disasters reunite with their lost animals. We are not always deployed, but when we are, we log a lot of computer hours!

 Our objective is to match found animals with their “lost” families. You must be approved, but it is a a formality to prevent spammers.

 Stealth Volunteers started as a group of volunteers from all over the country and the world, working on the ground and online to reunite Katrina evacuees with their pets. Our work wound down as the animals were adopted out, but those families who were never reunited will forever be in our thoughts and our hearts are filled by those we helped. Our work is locating owners, not lost pets.

 We also have an effort called “Home Safe with Stealth”, a local program for people to implement at their animal control facility. Apply our “stealth techniques” to find the owners of strays in your area, and to train for other national emergencies.

 This is a working list, and we discourage off-topic discussion. Our topic is finding evacuee owners. You can learn about the methods on our website

ARNO and Hopeful Haven

September 16, 2008

Animal victims of Gustav need your help.

For dogs, cats, birds and etc, you can go to and click the paypal link or mail donations to 1219 Coliseum Street, New Orleans, LA 70130

For livestock assistance, you can go to and click on the paypal link to donate. All donations are tax deductible. Or you can can mail checks payable to Hopeful Haven to 12193 Providence Rd Shreveport, LA 71129.